
In a comfortable and nurturing atmosphere, I offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each clients' individual needs to help attain the guidance, healing, resolution, and personal growth they’re striving for. 
*Sessions are available in person and virtually online to any WA state resident.
For older teens (16-19), I offer a coaching style of therapy to help you get specific about your personal goals and a roadmap on helping you achieve them. Some of these goals may include, but are not limited to:
  • healing from trauma
  • resolving conflict
  • healing from early childhood wounding
  • stress management
  • calming the mind/body
  • increase in self-confidence
  • developing healthy boundaries
  • trusting your intuition (gut instinct)

*If you are a parent considering therapy for your teen, please be advised that I am not a family therapist. I work with teens to empower them toward adulthood and agency. 

All therapeutic approaches (with both adults & teens) will include:

"I have been able to talk myself through different emotions and decisions and it's been wonderful!"

-former SHP client

"I am happy to report that I haven't been triggered since our work together. It's like I am me, but a 2.0 version of me!"

-former SHP client

Intensive Trauma Healing Program

For those of you who are beginning to embark on the journey of healing from past traumatic experiences and Complex PTSD, please understand that CBT and talk therapy are not sufficient modalities for healing trauma. This is because CBT and talk therapy only access the prefrontal cortex of our brains, but when trauma happens to us, it happens on a sensory level, so the healing has to take place on a sensory level. 

These half-day (up to 3 hours) or full-day (up to 6 hours) healing sessions can be extremely effective. By utilizing a combination of Ego State Therapy, EMDR, Imaginal Nurturing, Somatic Psychology, and Guided Meditation & Visualization, a lot of therapeutic ground can be covered without the disruption of daily stressors. The intensive format cuts treatment time in half because of time not spent on checking in at the beginning of each session, addressing current stressors and concerns, focusing on stabilizing & coping skills that clients most likely won’t need after trauma healing, or assisting clients in regaining composure at the end of the session.

Because we're not just talking about your trauma wounds, you will achieve your therapeutic goals faster than the more conventional method of weekly talk therapy. Also, this approach is ideal for folks who live too far to attend weekly sessions. These sessions are typically scheduled Monday - Thursday.

*A free 15 minute phone/zoom consultation is available for new clients. Contact Lisha to schedule.


*This program is available in person and virtually online to any WA state resident.

Frequently Asked Questions

Weekly Healing

If the Intensive Trauma Healing Program seems too intense for you, but you're still interested in experiencing deep & profound healing, we are happy to accommodate you! These sessions follow the more conventional schedule of therapy - weekly or bi-weekly. Sessions may be 60 or 90 min. Therapeutic modalities such as EMDR, Ego State Therapy, Somatic Psychology, Imaginal Nurturing & Guided Meditation will be utilized (as they are in the Intensive Trauma Healing Program), but in a more condensed manner. 

*These sessions are available in person or virtually online to any WA resident.

Contact Us


Beyond Healing: A Spiritual Intuitive Coaching Program

There are many interpretations of "spirituality," but whatever it means to you, it starts with finding a way to connect to an inner, intuitive voice that can lead you toward a sense of peace and authenticity. For those of you who have done a lot of therapy, but still feel stuck or blocked from living authentically and with purpose, consider taking this program. Lisha can help by gently & lovingly exposing the origins of the blocking beliefs and emotions that are standing in your way. With all the skills of an intuitive trauma therapist, Lisha will empower you to empower the parts of yourself that may be resisting a more soulfully aligned path.

The Spiritual Intuitive Coaching Program objectives include the following:

  • learning how to neutralize negative blocking beliefs about yourself and your worth.
  • accessing your inner, intuitive "voice" through the wisdom of the body.
  • learning how to trust this "voice."
  • energy healing for the parts of self that still feel wounded or traumatized (energy healing can include EMDR therapy, imaginal nurturing, internal resourcing, somatic awareness & utilization, breath work, visualization & meditation).
  • discovering how to creatively co-create your soul's path with Spirit's guidance.
  • embracing meaning & joy while on your authentic path.

This program will help you realize that when you intentionally access your soul's voice, you access the means to evolve beyond your wounding story & identity. You access an easier way to live in the world and relate with others.

You access peace.


This program is available to any English speaking adult on the planet and can be done in person at Sacred Healing Place or virtually via Zoom.

Coaching Package Options